담임목사 강성호
현재, 와이키키한인교회 담임목사 (2020-현재)
경력, 미육군채플린, USAR (LTC RET) 2000-2023, 미국남침례교 하와이태평양 주총회 교회개척선교 디렉터, HPBC, 2007-2019, 휴스톤신학대학원 실천 신학교수, HGST, 2005-2007; 텍사스 율레스한인교회 담임목사, 1994-2000.
교육, 서남침례신학원, SWBTS, TX, Ph.D; Th.M; M.DivBL, 1994-2004; US Army War College, Command and General Staff Officer's Course, 2018; US Army Chaplain School, 2001-2003; 한국침례신학대학 Korea Baptist Theological University, BA, 1981-1985
기타, Colombia Presbyterian Theological Seminary, GA; Kennesaw University, GA; Georgia State University, GA; Leeward Community College, HI
예배음악 사역자 김토니
현재, WKC, Worship Minister since 2020
Member of Oahu Choral Society
경력, Ministry to UMC on Oahu over 20 years
교육, Business Management in major / Music in minor, Univ. of Illinois
기타, Church Music, Wheaton Bible College ( 2 yr), Worship & Christian Education, Eugene Bible College, OR; M.Div, Gateway Seminary, CA